# AF 2006-2020
### An incomplete introspective view on the FLOS/CH community
- Julian Bogdani <[julian.bogdani@uniroma1.it](mailto:julian.bogdani@uniroma1.it)>
- Federico Sciacca <[fede__fs@libero.it](mailto:fede__fs@libero.it)>
Play online: https://jbogdani.github.io/af-introspection/
# Aim
This brief presentation is aimed at providing a rapid overview on
applications and projects presented in the previous editions of
ArcheoFOSS from a statistical point of view.
The goal is to provide a snapshot of the FLOS’ community
activity as it appears in 2020, with no presumption of
perfection or completeness. This is why the source of
charts and tables is made publically available,
so anyone can complete the dataset or suggest corrections.
# Data
The information presented in the next slides has been extraced
from the **official pubblications**. Conferences that have not
been published (2016 and 2019) have not been considered.
When the pubblication will appear, hopefully, if this application
is still maintained, it will be updated.
### Methodology
For each project, the following data have been extracted from the text:
- `year` : Year of the conference where the application has been presented
- `authors` : Authors of the presentation
- `name` : Name of the project
- `license` : License as stated in the source; `false` if no information on license is found
### Methodology #2
By combining texts with web research the following information have been recovered
- `maintained`: `true` if the project is still maintained, otherwise `false`
- `source_available`: URL o the repository where the sourse is available, otherwise `false`
- `last_commit`: Year of the last commit to the repository
- `commits` : Total number of commits as reported in the official repository
### Warning
The Web search is not a very reliable source of information
since projects living in the dark web might not appear.
Yet, we believe that projects targeting an open community
might not have walked many steps towards invisibility.
Please feel free [to report](https://github.com/jbogdani/af-introspection/issues)
wrong or incomplete information.
List of available pubblications up to october 2020
Publishing time
Years passed from the conference session to the publication of the proceedings
Publishing license
Please note that the chart refers to the pubblication licence.
Access policy is not considered here.
1.1. Openness
Source code availabililty
Applications with published source code
Applications with source code not available
Page 1/2
Applications with source code not available
Page 2/2
License type
License type | detail
1.2. Lifecicle
Survival rate
Years passed from the presentation to the last commit