As stated in the template file tree docs, you can use plain CSS to style your templates, but mind that BraDyCMS has a built-in support for the LESS language, which is an extension of the CSS syntax, that compiles into CSS.
All the LESS official docs state: Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more maintainable, themable and extendable.
You don’t have to process the LESS files. If you follow the BraDyCMS conventions for LESS file names compiling the LESS file into CSS is as simple as clicking a button. You can edit and compile LESS files directly in the built-in editor.
Please refer the official LESS doc for a complete panorama over the LESS features including:
If you love Twitter Bootstrap HTML, CSS, JS framework you will be happy to learn that BraDyCMS integrates the whole framework in the core. You can pick and load all the components of the Twitter Bootstrap and just start and use them.
If you have never heard about this framework, well it’s time to do it, because, quoting the official web page:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Visit the official page on, star it on Github and start using and experimenting.
You can load the several Twitter Bootstrap LESS components directly in the
file using the import
statement, or using a separate file as index for
the Bootstrap components, e.g.:
file styles.less
// define the path to the Twitter Bootstrap LESS directory
// This directory is included by default in all BraDyCMS installations
@tb-path: “../../../less/bootstrap/”
// import bootstrap.less, an index file for all Bootstrap components
@import "bootstrap.less";
// start using Boostrap components and mixins
... etc...
You can easily customize the default Twitter Bootstrap variables and defaults by simply overwriting them:
@tb-path: "../../../less/bootstrap/"
@import "bootstrap.less";
@body-bg: "#ebebeb";
@text-color: rgb(200, 200, 200);
background: @body-bg;
... etc...
The file bootstrap.less
is the same as the default bootstrap.less
file included
in the default distribution of the Bootstrap framework
(Github example),
except for the fact that you have to put the correct path before any component. A complete example
should look like this:
file styles.less
// Core variables and mixins
@import “@{tb-path}variables.less”;
@import “@{tb-path}mixins.less”;
// Reset and dependencies
@import "@{tb-path}normalize.less";
@import "@{tb-path}print.less";
@import "@{tb-path}glyphicons.less";
// Core CSS
@import "@{tb-path}scaffolding.less";
@import "@{tb-path}type.less";
@import "@{tb-path}code.less";
@import "@{tb-path}grid.less";
@import "@{tb-path}tables.less";
@import "@{tb-path}forms.less";
@import "@{tb-path}buttons.less";
// Components
@import "@{tb-path}component-animations.less";
@import "@{tb-path}dropdowns.less";
@import "@{tb-path}button-groups.less";
@import "@{tb-path}input-groups.less";
@import "@{tb-path}navs.less";
@import "@{tb-path}navbar.less";
@import "@{tb-path}breadcrumbs.less";
@import "@{tb-path}pagination.less";
@import "@{tb-path}pager.less";
@import "@{tb-path}labels.less";
@import "@{tb-path}badges.less";
@import "@{tb-path}jumbotron.less";
@import "@{tb-path}thumbnails.less";
@import "@{tb-path}alerts.less";
@import "@{tb-path}progress-bars.less";
@import "@{tb-path}media.less";
@import "@{tb-path}list-group.less";
@import "@{tb-path}panels.less";
@import "@{tb-path}responsive-embed.less";
@import "@{tb-path}wells.less";
@import "@{tb-path}close.less";
// Components w/ JavaScript
@import "@{tb-path}modals.less";
@import "@{tb-path}tooltip.less";
@import "@{tb-path}popovers.less";
@import "@{tb-path}carousel.less";
// Utility classes
@import "@{tb-path}utilities.less";
@import "@{tb-path}responsive-utilities.less";
This example will load all Twitter Bootstrap components in the compiled
file. If some of the components are not needed you can comment them out
in the bootstrap.less
file and they will not be loaded, e.g.:
// Components w/ JavaScript
// @import “@{tb-path}modals.less”;
// @import “@{tb-path}tooltip.less”;
// @import “@{tb-path}popovers.less”;
// @import “@{tb-path}carousel.less”;