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Site configuration

The main settings of your BraDyCMS site can be set and changed using the configuration editor module. Some of the options can be edited by all users, other require administrator rights to be accessed.

Before making any change in the main configuration module be sure to read and fully understand these documentation.

A misconfiguration of the site can prevent it from working at all.

List of the available settings

Site metadata

A collection of the default information to use for the website. It is strongly recommended to carefully compile this section to obtain a SEO friendly website.

Site name

Site’s short name. It is not used by default in site’s metadata

Web site mission

Site’s mission. It is not used by default in site’s metadata

Default title for site pages

This will be the default html title tag for pages that are missing an article title or any other type of customized title.

If you re interested in manually setting the title of each page, check the Special custom fields section of these documentation.

Site description

This will be the default html description tag for pages that are missing an article summary or any other type of customized description.

If you re interested in manually setting the description of each page, check the Special custom fields section of these documentation.


These comma separated keywords will be the default html keywords tag for pages that are missing an article specific set of keywords.

System language id

Two digits code of main language of the website, eg. en, fr, it, etc.

System language name

The name of the main language of the site. Please enter only lower case digits.

Server settings

Server settings should be set once and then never change, unless the hosting plan changes.

Default robots meta tag

This is the global default value for robots meta tag. The default value is index, follow.

If you re interested in manually setting the description of each page, check the Special custom fields section of these documentation.

Site timezone

Please enter a valid timezone for the web site. A full list of valid timezones can be found at

Enable www third level

By default BraDyCMS will redirect all third level domains (www.*) to the main level domain, removing www from url. If this option is enabled www can be used in the domain name.

If this setting is enabled the fowwoling .htaccess rows will be commented out:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.\*)$ http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

Additional .htaccess directives

Here can be entered some additional, customized, .htaccess directives that will be automatically appended at the end of the .htaccess file after each system update. Different directives should be placed in separated lines, just as you would do in the .htaccess file.

Database settings

Database connection string

Database full DNS connection string (eg.: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=bduscms). Leave blank if you are using the default SQLITE database.

Database user

Database username. Leave blank if you are using the default SQLITE database.

Database password

Database password. Leave blank if you are using the default SQLITE database.

Development settings

Debug mode

If you turn off debug mode remember to clear the application cache (see below).

Update channel

For a stable use please use the MASTER branch. Use development branch on your own risk.

CDN usage

If turned on CDN (where available) will be used to load third parties libraries (eg. jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, etc).

Image settings

Article’s Images dimensions

You can simply associate an image to each article, this is the article image, and various versions of it, in different sizes, automatically created and ready to use in your templates. Check General concepts to learn more about article images.

You can set here the different sizes that BraDyCMS will use to automatically create your additional images. Please enter here a valid format expressed in pixels in width x height format, eg. 800x400). You can have many dimension steps. Just save the form to have a new blank field added.


BraDyCMS has a built-in support for paginating long lists of articles (articles of the same section or long search results). Pagination can really speed up your site. You can set here the default number of articles to show in each page. Leave blank to disable pagination.

You need to add `html.pagination` or `html.getPagination` to your template files to get full advantage of this feature. Read the [template docs](tmpl_html) to learn more about their usage and syntax.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics ID

Your Google Analytics CODE ID

Limit Google Analytics to domain

If you enter here a domain (yourdomain.ext) the Google analytics code will be shown only if domain matches. This is very useful if you have a localhost copy of your website and you do not want to update your analytics from localhost domain.

System languages

You can here enable the support for translating and making available your site in different languages (besides the system language, see above). Use the fields above to add new languages to your site. You can have many languages. Just save the form to have a new blank row added.

You need to add `html.langMenu` or `html.getLanguages` to your template files to show and format the language menu.

Read the template docs to learn more about their usage and syntax.

Language ID

Two-digits code of the language (eg: fr)

Language name

Lower case name of the language (eg.: français)

Is published?

If 1 the language will be available in the main language menu, if blank you will be able to translate articles in the admin backend, but the language will not be available to your end users.

Custom fields

Use the fields above to add new custom fields to your articles. For each field please please provide a lower-case name, using no spaces, dashes, underscores or other special characters; a field type, a label, and eventually a default value. If you chose “select” as field type you should enter a comma separated list of values as default fields to use as select options.

Please remember that you should update the database manually to include the new fields. Special fields The field name customtitle is a special field. If provided it’s value will be used to throughout the website for the HTML title metatag output.

You can add many custom fields. Just save the form to have a new blank row added.

Special custom fields

customtitle customdescription robots

System paths


If you are planing to use php Imagick extension for image manipulation enter here the string imagick. If you plan to use Imagemagick binary please enter here the absolute path to the Imagemagick convert command (usually /usr/bin/convert or /usr/local/bin/convert on most *nix systems). This setting is fundamental for the image manipulating system to work. Settings depend on your hosting plans.


Be sure to use the “encrypt password tool” before submitting a new user. Only system admins can grant admin privileges to other users. You can add many users. Just save the form to have a new blank row added.

Email address

Encrypted password

Is admin